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Welcome to MATH!

Please click HERE or go to the HOME page and click on "Letters, Forms, and More," for Volume 1 of our Math Newsletter!

The foundations in our math program lay within Inquiry-Based Learning. This type of teaching:

  • allows students to find solutions to meaningful problems in a way that makes sense to the individual
  • allows students to collaborate with one another
  • encourages students to use what they know and apply these skills to new situations
  • teaches students how to become independent learners by providing them with the skills for self-motivated investigation.

Behind the Scenes Info: Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote for DialogueOnline which explains the workings behind Inquiry-based learning. 

“Dating back to Jean Piaget’s research and major contributions to Constructivism, a learning theory based on the premise that students can learn and test their knowledge through first-hand experience interacting with their environments, many educators have grown to understand the importance of learning through play [or doing] in a child’s development. Children have a natural curiosity towards the world around them, and naturally find meaningful ways to understand it. “
Click HERE for full article

Through providing our students with well-thought-outreal-worldproblems, along with the required math fundamentals, students will find that they are pulling knowledge from all areas of life to solve these puzzles. There is no one right path to get to these answers- the right path is the one that makes sense to the individual.

Given that inquiry-based learning follows a pace that is set by the students’ progress, some areas of concentration may take longer than others. With this in mind, some of the more basic skills with be taught through a more traditional method. 

If you don't read anything else, read THIS...

It is extremely important that students approach me with questions, and that the home and school work together to ensure each student does not fall behind. Extra help can be arranged during recess, lunch, or after school on scheduled days. 

If you find you are trying to help your child with his/her Math homework and are stuck, please do not hesitate to email me, and I will return your email as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for information on our Math program, along with projects, homework, hand outs, and interesting facts and articles based around Math!

“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.” 
~S. Gudder