Fractions! Finally!

Can you believe our students were able to find the fractions which represented each spot?! Can YOU?


1) 1/8                              6) 1/16
2) 1/16                            7) 3/32
3) 3/16                            8) 1/32
4) 2/32 or 1/16                9) 1/32
5) 1/8                             10) 1/64

Ask your son/daughter how (s)he got the solutions!
(If he/she forgets, you can ask how it could be solved. What do we know for sure? Where can we start? If we have this information, how could that help us figure out the next question?)

Students held up the colour card that corresponded with their answer!
Students participated in our fractions trivia! They had 20 questions to answer about fractions to see what they remembered. We had a lot of rich math conversation as we debated between answers!

This week, we will begin our first big MATH INQUIRY on fractions!

Number Sense!

We are reviewing Number Sense - and you can never have too much sense about numbers!

This week we looked at place value, and how our knowledge of "friendly numbers" can help us with quick mental math.

What better way to study numbers than through money?!

How many ways can we make 32?

When we add two numbers, and break each one down, it becomes easier to group them together!

Each colour represents a different way students found the final answer. So many groupings and different ways of thinking!