Fractions are well underway!

Through our first math inquiry investigation, the students used their knowledge of problem-solving and fractions to figure out which group at the staff potluck received the larger pieces of sandwiches. If you came out to Meet-the-Teacher night, you had an opportunity to see our question firsthand, as well as the students' solutions!

Step 1 - Work through problems using manipulatives, drawing pictures, using numbers, and thinking out loud.

Step 2 - Write your findings on a chart paper, and post for other students to see.

Step 3 - Gallery Walk: Students (in their inquiry groups) walk around from poster to poster, writing thought-provoking questions or comments on sticky notes. They place these notes on the work.

Step 4- Students return to their original posters and review the comments and questions of others, sorting these into helpful, and not so helpful.

Step 5 - Congress: Students meet in a group and listen as others present their findings. Students discuss findings and extensions to the question. Students co-create fraction rules that they have come up with based on their findings. These will be used as they continue to study fractions.

Step 6- Students practise what they have learned, and compare answers with their classmates.